Ag Day Winners

Hamilton County Farm Bureau hosted a fun and informative Ag Day at Hamilton Fair Park on Wednesday, May 17 for fourth and fifth-grade students in Hamilton, Hico, and Evant.  Over 250 students participated in the event. Students heard presentations about ATV safety, good and bad bugs, mini Herefords, emergency management, sheep raising industry, the dairy industry, cotton and corn industries, and a special presentation from the Southwest Dairy Trailer.HCFB board member and Ag Day Chairman, and Hamilton ISD's own,  Sonny DeLaGarza did a fantastic job of organizing this event and all the presenters. Thank you to everyone who made this day possible! 

Fourth and Fifth Graders were also asked to participate in an essay contest. The theme of this year's contest was " What is a day in the life of a farmer like?" 

Gavin Hendon, Dominic Melendez, and Cade O'Neal were the Ag Day essay winners for Hamilton 4th grade.

Carolina DeLaGarza, Oscar Pacheco-Ramirez, and Will Gallimore were the Ag Day essay winners for Hamilton 5th grade.