Department of Curriculum & Instruction

254-386-4378 | |
254-386-4401 | |
254-386-4045 | |
254-386-4078 | |
Hamilton ISD was awarded the Texas COVID Learning Acceleration Supports Grant. Check out the Texas Education Agency's Website for more information.
After School Program- Brain Builders
We have a wonderful, after school program that helps all students be successful.
Contact Clark Denman for more information.
Instructional Strategies
RBIS-Research Based Instructional Strategies
RBIS are research based best instructional strategies that should be present in classrooms. The Texas Education Agency has identified several that have the highest impact. Hamilton ISD has been partnering with Ed. Direction, and we will focus on the following this school year:
Knowledge Coherence (We will center ELAR lessons on the central meaning of the text rather than discrete skills or strategies. Teachers should bundle texts by topic whenever possible.)
Evidence Based Responses (Questions in ELAR classes are primarily text dependent. Students should include text evidence in their verbal and written responses.)
Productive Struggle (Students will engage in productive problem solving, engaging in multiple opportunities for practice, discussion , representations, and writing that requires them to explain and revise their thinking.)
Assessment Practices (We will focus on data driven instruction through our high quality instructional materials.)