📚 Exciting News! Join us for a delightful evening at the Scholastic Book Fair Family Night today from 3:30 PM to 6 PM! 🌟 Explore a world of captivating stories and educational treasures. 📖 Don't miss out on the fun – bring the whole family! See you there! 📚✨ #BookFair #FamilyNight #ReadingAdventure

HISD Weekly Calendar for February 11th - 17th

Bi-District Playoffs between Hamilton Lady Dogs and Hico Lady Tigers will be on Tuesday, February 13th at Comanche ISD. Tickets must be purchased online at https://www.comancheisd.net/page/Athletic%20Tickets
Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for Students. Passes accepted: TABC, TGCA, THSCA, District, Senior

Important Dates for Upcoming Trustee Election

Dream Big, Dress Loud: Celebrate College T-Shirt Day! Represent your school tomorrow for College T-shirt Day.

HISD Weekly Calendar for February 4-10th.

Hamilton ISD Weekly Calendar for January 28th - February 3rd

World Random Acts of Kindness Day is February 17th. Hamilton FCCLA
will be participating in many Kindness activities at Hamilton High School the week of February 11th –17th and would love for everyone in our community to have a
Kindness shirt to wear to celebrate it also.
We will wear them on Friday, February 16th together. You can click https://5il.co/2dijq to download an order form. Please return the form with payment to the HS Office.

Hamilton ISD reminds students and families that they must be symptom-free for 24 hours without medication before returning to school after experiencing fever, vomiting, or diarrhea. This state policy helps prevent the spread of illness and promotes a healthy learning environment for all.
Students with a fever of 100°F or higher, even with medication, cannot return to school until they are fever-free for 24 hours without medication. Similarly, students experiencing vomiting or diarrhea must be symptom-free for 24 hours without medication before returning.
"The health and safety of our students and staff is our top priority," said Nurse Shannan Roberts.
Here are some additional reminders:
If your child is not feeling well, please keep them home from school.
Please notify your child's school if they are diagnosed with a contagious illness.
Encourage your child to wash their hands frequently and practice good hygiene to prevent the spread of germs.
For more information on Hamilton ISD's illness exclusion policy, please visit the district website or contact your child's school nurse.

Tonight’s Junior High Girls Basketball games have been moved to Hamilton High School tonight!
7th Grade girls will begin at 5:00 PM, 8th Grade will follow.
The Junior High Boys will compete tonight in the JH gym starting at 5 as originally scheduled!

HISD Weekly Calendar for the week of January 21-27th.

Electricity is back on! Thank you to everyone for your patience. We are back to teaching and learning at HISD!
¡La electricidad ha vuelto! Gracias a todos por su paciencia. ¡Estamos de regreso a enseñar y aprender en HISD!

The electricity is still off at the school We are planning on staying at school unless notified of a longer timeframe from the city. Currently, we are planning on serving lunch to the students at their regular time. Safety lights are on! Thankful for a great staff and amazing students for their flexibility!
La electricidad todavía está cortada en la escuela. Estamos planeando quedarnos en la escuela a menos que la ciudad nos notifique un plazo más largo. Actualmente, estamos planeando servir el almuerzo a los estudiantes en su horario habitual. ¡Las luces de seguridad están encendidas! ¡Agradecido por un excelente personal y estudiantes increíbles por su flexibilidad!

We have lost power at the school and have received word it should be fixed soon. We will keep you posted. For the time being, we are waiting this out in hopes to continue our day.
Se nos fue la electricidad en la escuela y nos avisaron que debería arreglarse pronto. Los mantendremos informados. Por el momento, estamos esperando que esto pase con la esperanza de continuar nuestro día.

Hamilton ISD Weekly Calendar for January 14-20

Hamilton ISD's monthly school board meeting scheduled for tonight has been tentatively moved to next Monday, January 22nd at 6 pm.
❄️ We're keeping a close eye on the forecast for tomorrow, January 16th, and monitoring potential winter weather impacts. School closure decisions are made with student safety as our top priority. We'll provide updates via Facebook, the School website, and Remind once a decision has been made.

HISD Weekly Calendar for January 7th-13th, 2024

Staff Development Day

Just a little reminder from Nurse Roberts and Mrs. Hansard as we return to school next week.

Classes will resume at regular time on Monday, January 8th. We hope you had a wonderful Winter Break!